Showing posts with label disability insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disability insurance. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

We Know Your Time Is Valuable

At Surf Financial Brokers, we know you are busy. Between work, family and other activities, it can be difficult to meet with an insurance agent to discuss the different types of life insurance, or to get a quote for a cancer plan. With that in mind, we have upgraded our scheduling calendar and made it accessible for you to set a time to meet that is convenient for you.

So if you have a question about an existing policy with us or just want to compare premiums on a dental plan, use our scheduler to find a time that fits into your busy schedule.

Don't put off securing your family's finances. Schedule a short phone call or Zoom meeting and let us help you.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. Please subscribe to this blog!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Disability Insurance For 2025

Happy 2025! I hope you've got your New Year's resolutions in order and  that one on your list is making sure that you've got your paycheck protected. 

When I speak to groups I ask what is their number one asset is. People will say it's their house or their car or collectibles, but the number one asset you have is your ability to earn a living. Without that you really don't have all those other things.

This is why it's important to make sure that you can still earn a living and bring money into your household. If you're sick or hurt and you can't work what happens to your bills? They just keep coming and don't stop. This is how people get behind the eightball, so it's important that you have a protection plan in place. We call it disability insurance. 

Let's say that you had a box in your house that prints money. Once a year it would print enough money to replace your annual salary so just for instance, if you make $40,000 a year, once a year this machine would print $40,000.  Would you insure that machine? The answer is of course "yes". 

Just to be clear, you're the machine. You're the one making that money, so it's important to make sure that you are protecting your "number one asset". With that in mind knowing that you're going to have to need some disability insurance you've got a couple of options.

If you're self-employed you would call an insurance agent and say, "I need to get some disability insurance." The agent will give you a quote based off of your line of work, as well as your age, your health and if you smoke. 

Most of our clients go with a two-year benefit because it can take that long for Social Security disability benefits to kick in. However, some of our clients choose benefits periods from six months or up to age 67.

If you have the option to purchase disability insurance through work, get it. Disability plans through work are a little bit different because almost all employees are going to have the same occupation rating because you're all working in the same industry. Also, they may include maternity benefits which individual plans won't offer. 

One item to mention is that if your employer is paying for your disability insurance, those benefits are taxable. In other words, if you file a claim because you got sick or hurt you can't work you're only bringing home about 65-70% of your income. and you'll be on the hook for paying taxes on that money. 

One of the misconceptions when it comes to disability is that people think of people in car wrecks or sitting in wheelchairs, however about 85% of all disability claims are from sicknesses. Things like cancer, strokes and heart attacks as well as other chronic illness tend to be the majority of claims. 

One more thing I want to share is called a Return of Premium Rider. It can cost a little more, but if you keep your plan to age 67, the insurance company will return your premiums to you minus any claims paid. Think of it as a forced savings plan.

If you have any questions or if you're self-employed and would like more information, let us know.  

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. Please subscribe to this blog!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"Group Benefits" For The Self-Employed

I spend a portion of my time working in the "voluntary benefits" arena as an enroller, or "benefits counselor". In a nutshell, I enroll benefits for large groups, like schools, hospitals and municipalities, for example. Typically I sit with an employee in a one-on-one meeting and review their current benefits and check to see if they need any other insurance poducts. It's great to meet these folks and help them with insurance products like dental, vision, disability, accident and life insurance. 

The majority of my working time is spent working with individuals, however, many of which are self-employed. Realtors, sales professionals, small business owners and other "contract employees" or 1099's for instance, make up a lot of my clients. These great people are just as deserving of having decent insurance products, regardless of the size of their company. 

With this in mind, we invite all to visit our site and take a look at some of our voluntary products that can be purchased on an individual basis. There, one can get quotes for products such as life, cancer, hospital indemnity and accident insurance right from our site. And if you see coverage you like you can even start an application!

For some of our other products, like disability insurance and long term care insurance, one can book a short phone call to get a quote as accurate as possible.* We are independent agents and have access to many of the best policies. 

As independent insurance agents, we are also independent contractors, which means that we use our own products. Having a disability or cancer plan come out of our bank account instead of a paycheck doesn't change the fact that we need these important insurance plans. 

Please take the time to get a quote for yourself or your family. It probably won't cost as much as you think. 

*Quotes are not guarantees or offers of coverage and all policies are subject to underwriting. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

What Happens When You Can't Work?

We can presume that most of us enjoy earning a living, getting a paycheck (nowadays direct deposit is the norm) and having some discretionary, or "leftover" money to use after paying our bills. Those funds are what we use for the fun stuff, like eating a meal at a restaurant or seeing a movie or treating a friend to lunch. 

But what happens when those funds are no longer available? What if you aren't able to work due to sickness or injury? 

For many people (like me) who are small business owners, independent contractors or otherwise self-employed, a serious disability could not only be devastating to a family's finances, but could also damage the business providing the income. But there's a solution!

A Disability Income (DI) insurance policy can help you protect your paycheck, which in turn helps you pay your bills and maybe even have a little leftover for a movie. DI can help you and your business stay afloat when you are unable to work. 

There are a few things to consider when looking at DI. 

  • Underwriting looks at your health, your income and the type of work you do. An office worker may have lower rates than a welder because welding is more dangerous. Some insurance companies will require to see your taxes for the last 2 years.
  • Policies can also be purchased that are solely for keeping the business open. 
  • Individual DI policies may not have all the benefits found in group plans, like maternity coverage. However, there are many more options that can be structured to work for your needs.
Premiums may not be as high as you think, and your coverage can be customized to fit your budget. Given that over 85% of claims are actually for illnesses, like cancer or strokes, that doesn't mean accidents can't happen. Either way, if you can't work, a DI plan will be a great way to avoid guilting your friends and family into contributing to your GoFundMe plan. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Time For a Change To This Blog

Not that many people noticed, but I took a week off from the blog last week as I tried to regroup a bit. I wanted to use the time to consider a few options. Partly from general burn out and partly because coming up with a new insurance related topic three times a week is harder than I thought, I mulled some stuff over and have decided to make a few changes. 

Part of the problem is that I continue to write another blog on sales and marketing twice a week. I appreciate that it makes me do research on new products and keeps my brain "flexing it's muscles", but it was becoming a bit much. 

After some consideration I will be changing the format here a bit. There will probably be only one (two at most) blogs each week, with less text and more video. This helps me because I'm a decent writer but I can knock out a short video on a topic in a minute or two, which is about the same time it would take you to read one of my blogs. 

I'm looking forward to sharing more information on life insurance, disability, long term care, accident and cancer insurance, as well as our other plans. 

To start us off on a lighter note, here is a good submission for you. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please leave us a comment. Thanks and please subscribe.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, June 4, 2021

Wouldn't You Rather Spend Your Savings On Something Fun?

I recently had a conversation with a very nice couple from Greensboro, NC. They both worked as realtors, had three children and seemed like they were doing a good job executing their financial game plan. 

As the housing market has been doing well, they have managed to sell more in the last year. They both know that things won't stay this way forever, so they put aside a good amount of money each month for their "rainy day fund". Having the discipline to this and stick to it is rare to find these days, so I told them they were doing an awesome job. 

We continued to discuss their other financial issues. They had a decent amount of life insurance on themselves (they probably could have used a bit more) and had started a retirement account  as well. This was especially encouraging because it can be a difficult task when one, or in this case both, of the spouses are self-employed. Nobody is deducting money from their paycheck for them. 

I was starting to think they didn't need me at all. However, it didn't take long to discover there was one potential landmine that needed to be addressed. I asked them a basic question. "Do you have enough money put aside to help pay bills if you are sick or hurt and can't work?" 

They thought about it for a minute and said, "Well, we could dip into our savings." 

"You're right. You can do that. But is that what you are saving for? To cover bills?"

They hadn't considered this so I offered a better alternative. "If you couldn't work, you wouldn't have that income. Sure, one of you could pick up some of the slack, but do you want to go through that? Your savings should be for things you want down the road, like a vacation or to buy a nice car. No one saves to pay bills."

"Let's do this," I suggested. "Let's take a look at disability insurance. The premiums won't break your budget but it could keep you from having to go through your savings." 

They agreed to look at a few options. As we move through the process I'm sure they will both complete applications. And since they are both fairly young and healthy, they should both have policies to protect their paychecks soon. 

Are you setting money aside each month for a rainy day or something fun like a vacation or a boat? Do you really want to have to dip into that money to cover your bills? What if you could shift that risk to an insurance company and let them cover your bills? 

If you are a business owner, a contract employee or otherwise self-employed, ask an agent to help you find a disability policy that fits your needs. 

Special Offer: If you aren't sure how much disability you need, we have a one-page PDF that can help. To get a FREE copy drop a note to and we'll send it to you ASAP. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Wrapping Up Disability Insurance Awareness Month

Memorial Day is upon us, which is the day we recognize all of the men and women who served in our military and made the ultimate sacrifice. It is an important day and too many of us don't take the time to appreciate these people. If you have an opportunity to attend a ceremony, you will be happy you did.

As it's also the end of May, we can close the books on another Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), which is when the insurance industry promotes the importance of disability insurance. Unfortunately, disability coverage is not top of mine for most people. Part of this is due to misconceptions of why to buy it and what it does.

For example, most group disability plans cover a few weeks "maternity" coverage, immediately after a child is born. I have worked in some of these groups, like schools and municipalities, when the employee decides to drop her coverage because "I already had my kids." I try to plea with people to keep their policy, not because I'm will lose a commission (I'm on a salary), but because there are so many other times when that policy will be useful.

One of my old sales managers would tell us that when people hear the word "disability", they think of someone in a wheelchair who has been seriously injured in a car accident. The truth of the matter, however, is that over 85% of disability claims are for illnesses, with cancer being the leader in that category. (Heart disease and other cardiovascular illnesses are not far behind.)

Of course there are those people who do get injured. I spoke with a teacher in western North Carolina who had been in a car accident. Someone "t-boned" her car and broke her femur. She was out of work for four months while she went through physical therapy. Of course, her policy did what it was designed to do, which made her a strong advocate for disability insurance among her coworkers.

But what is your disability policy designed to do? Your policy is actually "paycheck" or "income" protection. If you were to get sick or hurt and were unable to work, your policy would help you pay the bills. And we all know that those bills don't stop coming just because you are a very nice person. 

There are those people who don't necessarily need a disability insurance policy. They may have passive income, like rental properties or other investments, that will provide some money to pay monthly bills. For most people, though, this is not the case.

If you have an employer who offers a disability policy, take a good hard look at it. And if you are a business owner, a contract employee or otherwise self-employed, you may want to consider an individual disability policy. They have a few differences from the traditional group plan but can be an integral part of your financial plan.

Have a great Memorial Day and remember those who gave all for our freedoms.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What Is Heart Attack and Stroke Insurance?

Even though Covid has been the main medical headline for the last year or so, other serious health issues are still leading to more deaths. Heart disease, for example, is the leading cause of death in the United States, and as Covid deaths continue to decrease due to vaccines, strokes and cancer will remain near the top of the list as well.

Many times on this blog I have discussed the importance of a cancer insurance plan. Cancer, which comes in many forms and can be specific to one organ or another, is recognized by many when the topic comes up. And even though we all know that heart disease and cardio vascular issues prevail, we don't discuss them as much as cancer.

Part of this is because for many people, avoiding these health problems is a matter of changing one's lifestyle, diet and fitness goals. Making those changes, like eating less pork, drinking less alcohol and going for a walk tend to cut into our wants and needs. And it can seem as if it interferes with our work day. Of course, stress is a leading factor in all of this.

Yet we see and hear about heart attacks and strokes all the time. Think of all the commercials on TV for medicines that can reduce your chance of a heart attack or stroke. 

The effects of a major health event can be long lasting. Physically, one can expect to be on some sort of medication for the rest of their life after experiencing a heart issue. A stroke can be debilitating and lead to other issues. My mother had a small stroke while undergoing knee replacement surgery. The stroke, which affected some of her motor skills, also kicked her dementia into overdrive. What was previously some age-related memory loss became full-blown episodes.

There is a financial cost to all of this as well. Anyone who has been hospitalized for a cardiovascular disease knows all too well that there will be deductibles, copays, out-of-network cost (just because your hospital may be in the insurance company's network doesn't mean that everyone that works there is in the network!) and other out-of-pocket expenses. This can add up quickly. And believe me when I say this, not everyone wants to contribute to your GoFundMe page. Plus there is the loss of income when someone is out of work as a result of one of these illnesses.

With all of this in mind, it is important to know that there are insurance policies available that help cover these costs. Most of them pay a lump sum amount in the event of a major health issue, like a heart attack or a stroke. We offer several of these plans, including the following:

  • Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke plan. Just as the name implies, this policy will pay you a lump sum of money (you choose at the time of the application) when diagnosed for one of these conditions.
  • Critical Illness. These plans also pay a lump sum but have a different array of illnesses. Most include heart attack, stroke, comas, and other major health events, but cancer may or may not be included. Check with your agent to see what they offer.
  • Disability Insurance. When people think of disability insurance, they think of someone hurt who is in a wheelchair, but over 85% of all disability claims are from illness, with cancer and heart disease at the top of the list. 
If heart disease runs in your family or you have concerns about one of these health events, drop us a note or schedule a quick phone appointment with us. We'll be happy to help you with a quote. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, May 21, 2021

3 Reasons Why Self-Employed Don't Buy Disability Insurance 2023

One of the most undersold insurance products is individual disability insurance (DI). The reasons for this vary, but many people think of disability as something they should buy through their employer as part of a group plan. There are around 15 million self-employed Americans, the vast majority of which do not have an individual disability policy. Why is this? Here are a few reasons why this is the case.

1.Business owners, contract employees and otherwise self-employed think that DI is expensive. The premiums of DI vary because of many factors. Your occupation is a huge factor in determining the rate you pay. In a nutshell, the more dangerous or labor intensive your job is, the higher your premium will be. It makes sense that a mechanic who works with heavy machinery will pay more than a banker who works behind a desk. 

Also, the amount of coverage you need will be based on your income. The more you earn, the more money you will need if you are out of work.

Even though the price may seem high to some, realizing that DI is actually insures their income helps people see the actual value of the coverage. I ask clients what their greatest asset is and get answers like their car or home. Then I point out that their number one asset is their ability to earn a living, which makes one able to purchase the car or home. That's when they see the value of DI.

2. The application and underwriting process seem difficult. An application for DI is just a bit more involved. Like life insurance, there are health questions. Additionally, there are questions about income and the type of work one does (see above). Some insurance carriers will want to verify income at the time of the application, usually by obtaining tax records. Other companies will do this at the time of a claim. 

As a self-employed person, your income can vary from year to year. I discussed this with one claims rep from a company I represent. She understood completely and said, "We just want to make sure this person was working when they filed a claim." 

A few years ago I had a client who was a personal trainer. The application included a question which asked something like "Does your job entail heavy lifting?"  I had to write an additional letter to the underwriter that the client had to lift weights to demonstrate to his clients proper form. After much confusion the policy was eventually issued.

3. Agents don't always understand it either. I'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus here. As a matter of fact, this is one of the reasons why I personally don't do a lot of Medicare supplements. I would rather refer that out to another agent in our brokerage who understands the product and sell what the clients needs. 

I have met many good life and health agents who just do not feel comfortable selling individual DI policies. There are too many "moving parts" they say. Or they just don't understand how the policy works with Social Security disability, therefore, they can't explain it properly to their clients. Find an agent who is familiar with the product.

If you are self-employed, an individual DI policy may be a great way to make sure you can pay your monthly bills in the event that you are sick or hurt and unable to work. Let us know if you have questions, and as usual, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Making Insurance Accessible To All

As we all know, the internet has changed the way people do business. More importantly, it's also changed the way businesses do business. 

Not that long ago if you needed someone for a specific service, you "let your fingers doing the walking in the Yellow Pages". Now I make that reference to my college age daughter and she doesn't know what I'm talking about. Everything from entertainment to financial services has gone digital, and for those who aren't offering some sort of web-based platform, they may as well be throwing a chunk of their marketing dollars into the garbage. 

This struggle is real in the insurance industry as well. The old school method of getting a referral, meeting with them in their home or office over several appointments, and hoping to get an application completed (along with more referrals) has lost some of it's appeal. For younger, more internet savvy consumers, doing their own research and making online purchases is the norm. 

At the same time, these younger people are less interested in selling insurance, mostly because of the old school methods that still are being taught in training offices throughout the country. According to a 2017 article by the World Economic Forum, the average age of a life insurance agent was 59. Considering that agents tend to sell to those around their own age, millennials are, for argument's sake, not being properly attended to when it comes to their own life insurance needs.

In 2007 I went to work for a large life insurance company. We were the "best of the best" according to the management, so you would think that we could attract agents who would succeed and thrive. Our managers boasted that we were ahead of our competitors in agent persistency, because we had a rate after three years of 17%, opposed to 10-15% by our peers. This meant that if they hired 100 agents today, a whopping 17, on average, would be around after three years. And they were actually proud of this.

For the consumers, though, this is bad news as well. How many times have you purchased life, disability or other kind of insurance, only to find out that your agent is no longer with the company?  

As a society, we have become numb and/or jaded when it comes to having bad service. This is why a growing number of people are cutting their ties to agents and buying financial services from the internet. The television is full of ads letting us know to get car insurance, life insurance and investments straight from our computers. Convenient and quick. 

But what about the personal service? What if we have questions or concerns or need to file a claim? Are we destined to having to call an 800 number each time we need something. Even worse, what if we have to speak to someone who is out of the country? Is that good customer service?

At Surf Financial Brokers, we have tried to combine the best of both worlds. Our quoting tools for life insurance, dental, vision and hearing plan, cancer insurance, hospital indemnity insurance and accident plans make it easy and quick for people to find a policy within their budget. And if they like what they see they can start an application.

At the same time, if they want a more personal touch they can book a short phone appointment with one of our agents who can help with our products, including others like Long Term Care and disability insurance. We want to help anyone who recognizes they need insurance to be able to get it in the way they want. 

Let us help you find the right product for your needs.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, May 14, 2021

5 Reasons For Business Owners To Consider Life Insurance 2023

Often on this blog I discuss ways to make sure your family's financial future is secure by having the proper life and disability products in place. But what about your business? 

For many business owners and entrepreneurs, life and disability insurance are just as important. Their business is the source of their income, and possibly the incomes of other partners and employees. Making sure that the business can stay afloat is of utmost importance not just to the owner, but to customers and vendors as well.

There are several insurance products you may want to consider if you are a business owner.

1. Keyperson life insurance. Do you have an employee who has a special skill that brings in a good percentage of your business receipts? A specialized talent may be hard to replace. With that in mind, you may want to consider insuring that key employee.

2. Life insurance to fund a buy-sell agreement. A buy-sell agreement is a legal document that basically states that if one of the partners should die, the remaining partner(s) can buy out their stake in the business. Sometimes the buy-sell agreement is part of the original paperwork starting the business.

For instance, let's say Bob dies and his wife, Mary, inherits his interest in the business. Mary may not really want to be an owner in the business, and she may be willing to sell her shares to the remaining owners. 

At the same time, the remaining owners may not be interested in having Mary as their new partner. And if Bob's role in the business was highly specialized, Mary may not be able to fill his shoes. The life insurance proceeds would go to the partners who could pay Mary for her shares.

As you can see, for all parties involved, a buy-sell agreement is a good idea, but it will need to be funded when one of the partners dies. A life insurance policy can fill that need.

3. Life insurance to secure loans. Many entrepreneurs starting out may need to get a loan for equipment, office space and other expenses. Lenders may require a life insurance policy to secure those loans. 

A few years ago I met a woman whose husband worked in the corporate world and decided to go out on his own. He borrowed heavily to start his own business and the wife implored him to get life insurance when she realized how much debt he was incurring. He said he would but never bought a policy. 

Sadly, he died while cutting down trees on their property when a log fell on him. She was stuck with the debt she couldn't pay because he didn't purchase the policy she kept asking him to get.

4. Disability insurance for a disability buy-sell agreement. Very similar to the example above, but instead of a partner passing away, the partner becomes permanently disabled. 

5. Disability overhead expense policy. I always urge my business owner clients to buy two disability policies. One is to replace their personal income if they get sick or hurt and are unable to work. That policy will help pay their personal bills. The other policy is to pay for the business's bills should the owner become disabled. 

These policies are pretty affordable because they usually pay out for a maximum of only two years, but what is most important is that the policy gives the business owner time to make a decide what to do. That two year window gives ample time to find out if the business owner will recover or not, whether or not to sell the business or shut it down altogether. In the meantime, payroll and other bill like utilities can still be paid. 

These are just a few reasons why you may want to consider a life insurance policy for your business. If you have questions, please drop us a note. And in the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Has Covid Made You Rethink Your Insurance Coverage?

When the pandemic struck last year some people were too distracted by the news to take a look at their existing insurance coverages. Having major medical coverage is good, but if one were to be seriously ill and hospitalized, out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles and coinsurance could quickly take their toll on a family's finances. 

And the loss of income from being out of work could also lead to unpaid bills piling up. Extra stress doesn't necessarily help a situation like this. 

That is why many people took a second look at their insurance policies in the last year or so. It seems that almost everyone knows someone who has had the virus. Even though most managed to have mild symptoms and rode it out at home, we also know those who have been seriously ill from it and even died. 

Over the last year people have begun purchasing more disability insurance, along with hospital indemnity plans, and even increasing their life insurance coverage. I recently met with a group of teachers who all had some level of interest in at least one of the above mentioned plans because they had co-workers who had fallen ill due to Covid. I suppose it hit home for them.

Putting these policies together, some agencies have constructed a loosely knitted "Covid package" plan to get the message out. Sales for these plans have increased, especially the hospital indemnity plan. The weird part was that many people I spoke to seemed to have never heard of this policy before, so I would assume that the agents were not discussing them with their clients. 

Hospital Indemnity plans are exactly what they sound like. They help defer the out-of-pocket costs of being admitted and confined to a hospital. We offer a fine plan that has good benefits. If you would like a quote or more information, click here

Aside from the plans mentioned above, our agency has had an increase in sales of our Short Term Home Health Care (STHHC) Plan. Due to the very high rates of infections in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, more people are wanting to make arrangements to stay in their own homes when they get older. The STHHC policy does just that, by helping to pay for cost of caregivers in the home. To watch a short video on the policy, click here.

The cost of having in-home caregivers is about double of that in a facility. Taking the burden off of family members makes these kinds of plans especially attractive, plus the family members don't have to worry about putting their own careers (and families) on hold.

Of course, everyone could use additional life insurance. Studies have shown that of those who own life insurance, up to 40% don't have the amount of coverage they actually need. And it isn't nearly as expensive as people think it is.

If you aren't sure if you have enough coverage for Covid or the next pandemic, drop us a note or book a short phone appointment. We'll be happy to look over your existing coverage and see if you need to fill any gaps. In the meantime, please stay healthy.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Disability Insurance Awareness Month Part 2

In the previous post I discussed what Disability Insurance Awareness month was and why Disability Insurance (DI) is important to have. Along with that was some very valuable information about how it is structured and the ways it can work for you. But I do want to pivot a bit and go over how you can figure out how much coverage you need, or if you need any DI at all. 

As mentioned previously, DI is considered to be "paycheck insurance" by many because it replaces your income if you are unable to work due to an accident or sickness. As I tell my clients, just because you are out of work doesn't mean the bills will stop coming. The stress of seeing bills pile up can make an illness even worse.

And speaking of illnesses, did you know the vast majority of disability claims are paid due to illnesses and not accidents? When we talk to people about being disabled they think of car accidents and such, but in reality, cancer, heart attacks and strokes, along with other dread diseases, are the reasons why most claims are filed. Even Covid has been a huge factor in DI claims.

For a few people, a DI policy is not necessary. Having passive income streams like rental properties or other investments can provide enough money to pay their bills. But for the rest of us we need every dollar we can get our hands on if we are not able to work.

How much do you need if you are applying for coverage? Generally speaking, most group plans that you get through work will pay up to 60-70% of your gross pay, which is about what your take home pay is after you deduct taxes. 

On the other hand, if you are self-employed or a business owner, your income may not be the same each year. A different way of calculating is needed. Luckily, we have a web based quoting system for determining the amount you are eligible for based on your income, which gives us a maximum benefit amount. Again, you can apply for "up to" that maximum, but you may not need the full amount. This is when we use the "HUG" system to work out the numbers. HUG stands for: 

  • Housing. How much do you pay each month for rent or mortgage?
  • Utilities. Electricity, water, gas and other maintenance.
  • Groceries. Just because you are out of work doesn't mean you can't eat. At the same time, it doesn't mean you'll be going to Outback every night either.
Using the HUG method, you can determine a minimum amount of coverage you need to get you by while you're out of work. Remember, the more coverage you apply for, the higher the premium will be. 

A few years ago I had a real estate agent ask me a very good question. She wanted to know if she was approved for a policy during a year when she was making good money and got disabled during a year when the housing market was down and her income was lower, would she still get the benefit she applied for? I called one of our carriers and spoke to an underwriter about this dilemma who agreed it could be confusing, but in her words, "We just want to know if this person was working at the time of the disability." In other words, yes, she would get her benefit as long as the real estate agent hadn't quit her job.

If you would like a quote visit our site and drop us a note, or book a short phone appointment. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Disability Insurance Awareness Month Part 1

May is once again Disability Insurance Awareness Month, when the insurance industry tries to let the public know the importance of having a disability insurance policy. As I say whenever I sit with a client or talk to a group, the Holy Trinity of insurance is your life insurance, your health insurance and your disability insurance (DI). That's how important it is!

Think about it. If you are sick or hurt and are not able to work, your bills just keep coming. No one is going to let you have a free pass on your car payment, mortgage or phone bill because you are a nice person. In essence, having a DI plan in place is paycheck insurance. That's why people call DI "paycheck protection".

How does it work? Depending on your employment and how you get paid there can be variations. The more common scenario is that you buy a group plan through work or your employer pays for it or both. I have seen instances the employer pays for Long Term Disability (LTD) but the employee pays for their own Short Term Disability (STD) policy.

These types of policies usually pay up to 60-70% of your gross income. Keep in mind that if your employer is paying for your policy and you should start receiving benefits, those benefits will be taxable. This is also true if you purchase your plan through a "worksite*" insurance company and they pre-tax your premiums. 

Short term DI usually pays for the first 3, 6 or 12 months of a disability, while long term DI will start paying after those dates. The key is to make sure you have coverage seamlessly throughout the time you are out of work, which is determined by your physician. 

Also, group plans will typically cover maternity for 6 weeks (8 weeks if a caesarean is called for). Too many people will drop their DI plan when they decide that they aren't having any more children. I always encourage people to keep their policy, as it is not "baby coverage" as many seem to feel.

On the other hand, if you are self-employed or a 1099 employee, like a realtor or insurance agent, you may need to look into an individual DI plan. These are structured a bit differently in that rates will be determined based on factors like:

  • Your occupation. A welder or a roofer will pay more than a secretary because their job is more dangerous. 
  • Your health, age and tobacco usage. Just like life insurance, the insurance company wants to know if you are a good risk or not. 
  • Your income. Determining your benefit amount is dependent on how much money you earn, so the insurance carrier may ask for a copy of your tax returns. We have one company that ask for it when you file a claim. 
Another important factor is the "elimination period", which is like a deductible, but in time instead of money. If you have a 14 day elimination period, that means that the policy won't start paying out benefits until the 15th day of your illness or accident. Elimination periods can vary from 7 days to 6 months, and like the deductible on your car insurance, the higher you go, the less the policy will cost you.

Also, keep in mind that individual plans will not cover maternity.

In Part 2 of this topic we'll discuss how to determine how much coverage you need. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

*Companies that offer voluntary benefits like DI, dental, vision and other ancillary insurance products. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What Is Being Left Out Of The Holy Trinity Of Insurance?

One part of my insurance practice involves worksite supplemental benefits. (Think dental, vision, cancer plans, etc.) On occasion, I give talks to groups of employees on these benefits. And one of the things I cover is the "Holy Trinity of Insurance", which is comprised of their health coverage, their life insurance, and last but not least, their disability insurance (DI).

Over the next day or so I'll speak with these employees individually and sure enough, someone will come in and ask for that "Holy Trinity insurance". Pretty funny I think, but it lets me know that I'm getting through to them. 

The reason these people buy DI is because they see the value of insurance on their paycheck. And that sums up DI in a nutshell - income insurance. You insure your house and car, which is paid for by income, so it makes sense. And no matter if the client is a realtor, plumber, attorney or a doctor, if they can't work, they can't pay the bills. 

There are many self-employed folks who don't have access to these group plans, but still are interested. For them, we offer individual plans which differ slightly. For instance, not only is the client's health underwritten, but sometimes, the personal income will be underwritten as well.  I know of one carrier who underwrites income at the time of the claim. Depending on the disability insurance company, they may want copies of your tax returns for the last two years at the time of the application. I have one carrier, however, that asks for that information when a claim is filed.

And your job is part of the equation too. Generally, the less safe your job is, the higher your premium. Logic says that a welder would be at a greater risk of getting hurt than a retail worker. With this in mind, some occupations are harder to cover than others. I've had great DI clients over the years who were teachers, boat engine mechanics, firemen, attorneys, realtors and truck drivers. 

I have an agent who was concerned about this for their realtor clients. Because realtors incomes are rarely the same from year to year, how would the company know how much to pay out? When I had an opportunity to speak to an underwriter she eased my fears and said, "We are fully aware that incomes change and will pay out the amount the policy designates. Our concern is making sure that client has a job and that they can't work to do that job." That made me feel better.

Years ago I met a professional golfer who played on a "minor league" tour and was interested in DI. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a single carrier that would make her an offer. Her "professional" status was a quick application killer as the company wouldn't know how much to pay out if she were sick, or more likely, injured. 

The cost of disability insurance is less than you would expect, but by insuring your paycheck, it's worth every cent.

If you are looking for short term or long term disability insurance coverage, we are happy to help you out. You can even book your own appointments to fit your schedule.

If you would like a quote, feel free to try the link on our website and have a insurance quote emailed to you. (Remember that all quotes are estimates and rate may change in the underwriting process)

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Do I Have To Pay Taxes On Disability Insurance?

If you have been receiving disability benefits from an insurance company you may be wondering if you are responsible for paying taxes on those benefits. The answer really depends on the type of coverage you have and how the insurance premiums are being paid.*

For instance, if you are receiving benefits through a plan that is offered through your employer and the employer is paying the premiums, then those benefits are taxable as income. However, if the premiums are being deducted from your paycheck your benefits are tax-free.

Another time it will be taxed is when it is deducted from someone's paycheck on a pre-tax basis. Yes, pre-taxing the premium will look like you are paying less, but having your benefits taxed when you need them most is not worth the savings. (FYI Life insurance should never be pre-taxed either).

Let's consider what happens if you have an individual disability policy that you have purchased on your own. In a nutshell, the same rules apply. If you are paying for the policy with after-tax dollars then the benefits should be tax-free. However, if you own a business and have the premium payments coming out of the business's checkbook, then those benefits will be taxable. 

The IRS says that Social Security disability benefits may be taxable if one-half of your benefits, plus all of your other income, is greater than a certain amount which is based on your tax filing status. Even if you are not working at all because of a disability, you would still have to count any unearned income such as tax-exempt interest and dividends. If you are married and file a joint return, you also have to include your spouse's income into the calculation, even if your spouse is not receiving any benefits from Social Security.

This all may sound confusing but the concept is a simple one. If you are paying for your disability coverage, whether it comes from your personal bank account or through payroll deduction, you more than likely will not have to pay taxes on the benefits if you should need to file a claim. However, if the premium payment is coming from your employer or you decide to pay it out of your business account, then it will probably be taxable. 

You may not have a choice when it comes to your employer offering to pay for your coverage. I have seen instances when the employer pays for a Long Term Disability (LTD) policy, which does not start paying benefits until 3 or 6 months after the date of the disability, so the employee needs to fill the gap for those first few months without coverage with a Short Term Disability (STD) policy. 

The key here is awareness. If your policy is being paid by your employer, and if you are out of work due to illness or injury, your benefits could be much less than what you would expect. Using easy math for an example, let's assume you make $100 each week. Your disability policy pays 60% of the gross pay, so if you need to file a claim you should be receiving $60, but if it's taxed, that could drop to below $40. Ouch! And finding this out after the fact makes matters even worse if you have tried to set a household budget in place. 

With all of this in mind we still think of Disability Insurance as part of the Holy Trinity of insurance (with life and medical insurance). It's an important yet overlooked part of a financial game plan, especially in the midst of a pandemic. If you have questions about coverage, drop us a comment. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

*The advice here is in general terms and we suggest you consult your tax professional for specific information.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Monday, February 1, 2021

When Your Life Insurance Won't Pay

Life insurance, as well as disability insurance and any other type of insurance is a promise. It's a promise made on behalf of the insurance company to pay you for a loss, whether you lost your life, your ability to work or anything else stated in the policy. But more than just a promise, which can be broken, your life insurance policy is a contract. Legal and binding, it has plenty of legal jargon involved, which you, as a policy holder, should be fully aware of.

When you look at a brochure for an insurance policy there is usually a section in the back that describes "limitation and exclusions", or something to that effect. This list can be long or short, but either way you should take a few minutes to understand what is covered and what won't be covered if you suffer a loss.

A good agent will be happy to discuss this with you beforehand. At first glance, most of the items are common sense, but some can be confusing. And some will be altered or "re-interpreted" if need be. 

For example, almost every life or accident insurance policy I have seen has an exclusion for loss as a result of terrorism. This was widely seen and described by agents in the following scenario: You go to the Middle East and a bomb goes off. If you die, the company isn't paying. 

However, shortly after 9/11, with thousands dying as a result of a terrorist act, life insurance waived this exclusion. Their explanation was that the exclusion was for "foreign" acts of terrorism, in another country, even though that was not stated in the contract at all. Personally, I think they made the exception because they knew it would be a public relations nightmare if they enforced the terrorism exclusion when emotions were already incredibly high. 

If you take a look at the list of exclusions, some make sense. For example:

  • Losses due to acts of war. Life insurance, as well as other types of insurance, rarely cover you if you are hurt or killed in a war. Some will even state that the war can be "undeclared", which is broad. The military does offer some small policies, but be aware of what you're buying.
  • Losses due to self-inflicted injury. This makes sense. If you stab yourself, you should not expect the insurance company be on the hook for you. Accidental deaths will usually be covered.
  • Suicide. Generally speaking, life insurance companies will pay, but after a "contestability period", which can be a few years, as stipulated in the policy. Things can get tricky if the insured dies of a drug overdose during that time and the insurance company would need to have proof that the overdose was intentional.
  • Losses that occur while committing a crime. If you decide to rob a bank and the guard shoots you, don't expect the insurance carrier to pay your loved ones. 
  • Murder. Believe it or not, there is a "slayer rule", which means that if your beneficiary kills you, the policy does not have to pay them. Go figure.
One of the other reasons why a policy won't pay is if you are not truthful on the application. The insurance company's underwriting department will try to find out as much about your medical history and lifestyle as possible during the application process, but they can't look under every stone. If you have misrepresented yourself (nice way of saying you lied) on the application, the insurance carrier may not pay the death benefit.

The best advice is to be honest with your agent and the underwriter (they may conduct a phone interview) when they ask about your medical history, alcohol and drug use, travel plans and risky activities. 

By spending a few minutes looking over your policy you can save you and your family a lot of confusion and heartbreak. If you have questions about any of this, feel free to look us up on the web and drop us a note. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!