Showing posts with label taxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taxes. Show all posts

Friday, March 19, 2021

Do I Need To Put My Life Insurance Inside a Trust?

Since we are in the middle of tax season I have tried to keep this week's topics around insurance and taxes. The last one is a bit different but may be of use to some people.  

As the title of this post implies, we are going to take a quick look at trusts and why people use them for life insurance purposes. And like my previous posts, I am obligated to give my disclaimer that I am not a tax expert, so if you have more specific questions about the tax implications I recommend consulting a tax professional.

Why would anyone want to put life insurance inside of a trust, you ask? For several reasons, actually. For instance, there are those people who have special needs children and may be interested in funding their care as they become special needs adults. In that instance, we use a Special Needs Trust and a "second to die" life insurance policy to fund it when both parents pass away. 

However, for the purposes of this blog we will look at Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT). When we (or our attorney) create a trust, it's basically like creating a whole new entity, like a new person. The purpose of using the trust for life insurance is for estate tax purposes. The life insurance policy inside the trust is no longer part of the estate, so it can't be taxed. 

The current federal estate tax exemption is $11,700,000, which is very high and adjusted for inflation each year. However, the amount is scheduled to drop to $5,000,000 on December 31, 2025. And now that the Democrats are in control of congress it may drop sooner. 

I realize that for many people these numbers may seem extremely high. At the same time, I know a business owner who purchased a piece of land many years ago and opened a small restaurant. The value of that property increased dramatically over years since he bought it, so his house and business are close to reaching that $5m threshold. When I discussed it with him, he was totally unaware.

Another thing to consider is that you can name a trustee, who may be a family member but can also be a friend or even your attorney. This trustee can use the policy proceeds (death benefit) for your beneficiaries without giving them full control of the monies. This is important if you have small children, a second marriage or if your beneficiaries can't manage the money on their own. 

My advice when it comes to these kinds of situations is to consult a good estate attorney who has experience in these matters. Just because an attorney can make a will does not necessarily mean they understand trusts. When the word "irrevocable" is in the name it means you can't change things later. As a good attorney friend of mine once said to me, "Get a lawyer who has done this before. You don't want one to practice on your client."

There are a few rules you need to be aware of. Some are:

  1. You can transfer existing policies into the trust but there is a three year lookback, so if you die in the first three years the death proceeds will be included in your estate and potentially taxed. 
  2. The estate is a separate entity and will need it's own tax identification number. Because of this, your premiums will need to be "gifted" to the trust. The trust will, in turn, pay the premiums to the insurance company.
Overall, a trust can be a great way to use life insurance to pay estate taxes. And as I stated earlier, it's best to consult an estate attorney and a tax professional if you have questions. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog! 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Does A Tax Free Retirement Plan Exist?

Keeping with the theme of taxes this week, I wanted to share some information on a life insurance plan and how to use it to your advantage when it comes to taxes, or should I say "tax avoidance". One product in particular may help you supplement your retirement without having Uncle Sam reaching into your pocket. 

First, I have to again give the obligatory disclaimer that I am not a tax expert and if you have questions or concerns regarding any of this you should consult your own tax professional. 

As an insurance agent I have worked with many products and, for the most part, my clients are made up of middle class people. Many of them are small business owners (less than 50 employees) or self-employed individuals in sales or other related professions. In a nutshell, I'm not working with a lot of millionaires.

Life insurance for most of these people is usually term, which is affordable, but does not offer many other features other than a death benefit. When I ask about their retirement plans they usually have a small amount of money put away, but not much. (After the Great Recession of 2008 many used their 401(k) plans to pay their bills). 

With this in mind, I let them know that life insurance has a special status when it comes to taxes. The death benefit is almost always non-taxable. Once people figured this out they started taking advantage of this and companies developed policies like whole life and universal life insurance that could build some cash value internally.

These policies also allowed for "over funding", which means you can pay additional premiums into the policy, over and above the stated price of the insurance, with the intention of having some money accumulating. The IRS made some guidelines to prevent the abuse of this loophole, by declaring a policy with too much premium going in as a Modified Endowment Contract* (MEC). 

However, permanent life insurance policies do allow one to access that cash value inside the policy. How they access the money is the tricky part (it's not that tricky) to avoid paying any taxes on it. 

Taking the cash out of the policy as a loan removes the tax burden on insured person because everyone assumes that the loan will be repaid. And if the person dies before repayment, that loan is deducted from the death benefit. And this is where these policies are most effective. 

Because that loan is tax-free, one can over fund a policy to its maximum (without becoming a MEC) and use that money as a "retirement supplement" without paying a dime to the government. 

Here is where I have to give another disclaimer. First and foremost, these are life insurance policies and NOT investment vehicles. For years when the interest rates were high, agents sold universal life as a way to make money instead of protecting money. This practice is frowned upon in our industry.

And since it is life insurance, an insured age, tobacco usage and medical history can affect the cost of the policy, as well as the cash accumulation. A 30 year old healthy non-smoker will get much more out of this plan than a 40 year old obese smoker with high blood pressure and diabetes.

Even though this can be done with a whole life insurance policy, the most efficient way to do this is with an indexed universal life (IUL) policy. I will acknowledge that there are detractors to these policies who see the problems from the past when traditional universal life policies failed to provide the cash when interest rates began to fall. 

The secret here is to structure an IUL properly from the beginning. If done properly, an insured can access the money in the policy in the form of a loan for many years. 

If you would like information on how to use a life insurance policy a tax-free retirement supplement, let us know. In the meantime, please stay healthy.

*When a policy becomes a MEC it also becomes taxable. Since no one wants that too happen we, as life insurance agents, will run an illustration to get as close to a MEC without having it become one. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog! 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Can Employees Get Tax Breaks?

Since it is tax season I thought I would share a few ways that you can use and maximize your insurance to help lessen or avoid a big tax bill over the next few posts. Some of these ideas may be implemented immediately, while others will help you down the road. Like a wise man once said, "If you fail to plan, then plan to fail."

First and foremost, I have to give the obligatory disclaimer that I am not a tax expert and one should consult their own tax advisor before implementing any of these strategies. Remember that tax laws are constantly fluid and can change as political parties rotate in and out of Congress.

Also, I want to let you know in advance that not all of these plans will work for everyone, but hopefully there will be a nugget or two in here for everyone. With that said, let's get started.

For those of us who work for an employer and are fortunate enough to have medical benefits, find out if those benefits are being "pre-taxed". Section 125 of the IRS tax code allows your allows employers to deduct your benefits from your pay before figuring out what your taxable income is. By simply moving your deductions "above the line" it can save you (and your employer) some money, with estimates around 20-25% on the costs of those benefits. The savings, in other words, come in the form of paying less taxes. And since your employer has to match your FICA* (Social Security) portion of the deduction, that can be decreased for them as well. 

If you have an enrollment company or a worksite insurance company providing ancillary products like dental, vision, disability and other insurance products, odds are they can set up and handle the administration of a pre-tax plan. Many of these companies will do it at no charge for your employer if there is a minimum number of participants. 

Be aware of a couple of items though. First, life insurance can not be pre-taxed. Since life insurance proceeds are generally tax-free to begin with, the IRS is not going to allow pre-taxing. Also, certain benefits can be pre-taxed but really should not be. 

I have seen businesses where their disability insurance, for instance, was pre-taxed. When this is the case, there will be a huge problem if an employee needs to file a claim, as it will be taxed as income. As most disability policies pay around 60-65% of a person's gross income, having that partial pay be taxed can be a financial nightmare for a family struggling to pay their bills.

Other deductions that are not necessarily insurance products can be used for pre-tax savings as well. A 401(k) plan can help you out down the road for retirement and should be implemented if offered. These plans were created in the late 1970's as a way for employers to create a tax-advantaged savings account for their employees. Unfortunately many employers replaced pensions with these plans, mostly because it saved the businesses a lot of money. 

If your employer offers a 401(k) plan take advantage of it and the tax savings that come with it. But be aware that it is not a true "retirement plan" and is basically a "savings plan". By allowing the employee to allocate their money as they wish, it also exposes them to a lot of market risk. 

After the debacle at Enron years ago, laws were enacted to heavily regulate the 401(k) plans. And after the financial recession of 2008 many employers changed their plans or did away with them altogether. Do some research or ask your tax advisor what is best for you.

The next few posts will continue on the theme of insurance and taxes so stay tuned. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

*There is a downside to saving all of this money on taxes by using the Section 125 plan. By reducing your taxable income while working, it also reduces your FICA contribution. This, in turn, can reduce your the amount of your Social Security check when you are eligible to receive these benefits. If you are paying less in, plan to get less out.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Do I Have To Pay Taxes On Disability Insurance?

If you have been receiving disability benefits from an insurance company you may be wondering if you are responsible for paying taxes on those benefits. The answer really depends on the type of coverage you have and how the insurance premiums are being paid.*

For instance, if you are receiving benefits through a plan that is offered through your employer and the employer is paying the premiums, then those benefits are taxable as income. However, if the premiums are being deducted from your paycheck your benefits are tax-free.

Another time it will be taxed is when it is deducted from someone's paycheck on a pre-tax basis. Yes, pre-taxing the premium will look like you are paying less, but having your benefits taxed when you need them most is not worth the savings. (FYI Life insurance should never be pre-taxed either).

Let's consider what happens if you have an individual disability policy that you have purchased on your own. In a nutshell, the same rules apply. If you are paying for the policy with after-tax dollars then the benefits should be tax-free. However, if you own a business and have the premium payments coming out of the business's checkbook, then those benefits will be taxable. 

The IRS says that Social Security disability benefits may be taxable if one-half of your benefits, plus all of your other income, is greater than a certain amount which is based on your tax filing status. Even if you are not working at all because of a disability, you would still have to count any unearned income such as tax-exempt interest and dividends. If you are married and file a joint return, you also have to include your spouse's income into the calculation, even if your spouse is not receiving any benefits from Social Security.

This all may sound confusing but the concept is a simple one. If you are paying for your disability coverage, whether it comes from your personal bank account or through payroll deduction, you more than likely will not have to pay taxes on the benefits if you should need to file a claim. However, if the premium payment is coming from your employer or you decide to pay it out of your business account, then it will probably be taxable. 

You may not have a choice when it comes to your employer offering to pay for your coverage. I have seen instances when the employer pays for a Long Term Disability (LTD) policy, which does not start paying benefits until 3 or 6 months after the date of the disability, so the employee needs to fill the gap for those first few months without coverage with a Short Term Disability (STD) policy. 

The key here is awareness. If your policy is being paid by your employer, and if you are out of work due to illness or injury, your benefits could be much less than what you would expect. Using easy math for an example, let's assume you make $100 each week. Your disability policy pays 60% of the gross pay, so if you need to file a claim you should be receiving $60, but if it's taxed, that could drop to below $40. Ouch! And finding this out after the fact makes matters even worse if you have tried to set a household budget in place. 

With all of this in mind we still think of Disability Insurance as part of the Holy Trinity of insurance (with life and medical insurance). It's an important yet overlooked part of a financial game plan, especially in the midst of a pandemic. If you have questions about coverage, drop us a comment. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

*The advice here is in general terms and we suggest you consult your tax professional for specific information.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, February 12, 2021

5 Advantages of Life Insurance

Life insurance can be essential for protecting your family financially in case of a tragedy, but many people go without it. In fact, nearly half of American adults do not have life insurance at all. One reason is that people assume life insurance is too expensive. For example, when asked to estimate the cost of a $250,000 term life policy for a healthy 30-year-old, the majority of survey respondents guessed $500 per year or more. In actuality, the average cost is closer to $160 a year.

Despite all of the fallacies about life insurance it provides a number of useful benefits. Among them:

1. Life Insurance Payouts Are Tax-Free

If you have a life insurance policy and die while your coverage is in effect, your beneficiaries will receive a lump sum death benefit. Life insurance payouts aren’t considered income for tax purposes, and your beneficiaries don’t have to report the money when they file their tax returns.

2. Your Dependents Won’t Have to Worry About Living Costs

Many experts recommend having life insurance that's equal to seven to 10 times your annual income. If you have a policy (or policies) of that size, the people who depend on your income shouldn't have to worry about their living expenses or other major costs. For example, your insurance policy could cover the cost of your children's college education, and they won’t need to take out student loans. 

3. Life Insurance Can Cover Final Expenses

The national median cost of a funeral that included a viewing and a burial was $7,640 as of 2019. Since many Americans do not have enough savings to cover even a $400 emergency expense, having to pay for a funeral can be a substantial financial burden. If you have a life insurance policy, your beneficiaries can use the money to pay for your burial expenses without having to dip into their own savings or use credit. 

Some insurers offer final expense policies. These policies have low coverage amounts and relatively inexpensive monthly premiums. However, if you are healthy you can find other coverage for less money. 

4. You Can Get Coverage for Chronic and Terminal Illnesses

Many life insurance companies offer endorsements, also known as riders, that you can add to your policy to enhance or adjust your coverage. An accelerated benefits rider allows you to access some or all of your death benefit in certain circumstances. Under some policies, for example, if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness and are expected to live less than 12 months, you can use your death benefit while you’re still living to pay for your care or other expenses. Be aware that in some cases those proceeds can be deducted from the death benefit though.

5. Policies Can Supplement Your Retirement Savings

If you purchase a whole, universal, or variable life insurance policy, it can accumulate cash value in addition to providing death benefits. As the cash value builds up over time, you can use it to pay expenses, such as buying a car or making a down payment on a home. You can also tap into it if you need to during your retirement years.

However, a life insurance policy should not replace traditional retirement accounts like a 401(k) or an IRA. What's more, cash value life insurance is considerably more expensive than term life insurance, which has no savings component but simply a death benefit. 

Life insurance isn’t just for the wealthy. No matter your income level, life insurance can ensure that your loved ones could make ends meet if you were to pass away. And life insurance might be more affordable than you think. 

If you need help or have questions about life insurance let us know. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Cash When You Die, Cash When You Live Part 2

In the previous post I explained how Indexed Universal Life (IUL) is a great alternative for those who would like their life insurance policy to be useful while they are still living. The growth in the policies, which builds cash value, is based on an index of the stock market rather than interest rates. That means the growth inside the policy can increase faster in this low interest rate environment.

How is the IUL a way to help you in your retirement years? First, let's acknowledge that this is first and foremost life insurance. There is underwriting involved and for those who are young, healthy and do not smoke, the rates will be much less expensive. With that in mind, the growth of the cash value of the policy will greater as well for those in good physical shape.

One of the concepts of permanent life insurance is "over funding", which means that one can contribute additional premiums to the policy. This has to be done within certain limits, per the IRS (life insurance has a special tax status that can be discussed at another time), but it helps accelerate the cash value. Accessing that cash can be beneficial if one has emergency expenses, as it can be surrendered or taken out of the policy as a loan. 

Taking the money out as a loan has advantages and disadvantages. The money taken from the policy is tax-free, as it isn't income. On the other hand, if you die, your beneficiaries will get the death amount of the policy, minus the loan amount. Also, the interest can be a bit high, usually around 8%.

But there are other ways to use an IUL to your advantage when it comes to retirement. Let's compare it to a Roth IRA, which is one of the better vehicles out there. The Roth IRA has the following features:

  • Post tax dollars are contributed.
  • Tax-deferred growth.
  • There is a limit as to how much can be contributed ($6000 for 2021).
  • You have to be at least 59 1/2 years old to access the money without tax penalties.
On the other hand, here are some the features of an IUL.

  • Post tax dollars are contributed.
  • Tax deferred growth.
  • There is NO limit on contributions.
  • You can access your cash value at any age.
  • There are living benefits for chronic illness and critical illness.
  • If you die, the policy will pay your beneficiaries the face amount, minus any deductions or loans.
As you can see, an IUL can be a great alternative to a Roth IRA. People who are younger, healthier and don't smoke can make the most of this type of life insurance policy, so it obviously doesn't work for everyone. It also helps if the insured has the means to over fund the policy.

Years ago I had a client who used an IUL in an interesting way. Since he had been over funding it early on, it had plenty of cash value within a few years. This gentleman, who loved to look for a good investment, would see a parcel of land and decide to purchase it. He didn't want to go to the bank and fill out a loan application, as that was too long of a process, so he would call the insurance company and borrow against his policy to make the down payment on the property. Usually he would get his check within a few days.

He would repay the loan amount within a few months and do it again if he saw another good investment property. In essence, he was "warehousing" his money in the IUL for future investments. In the meantime, he still had plenty of coverage in case he died.

If you would like more information on IUL's or a quote, stop by our website and fill out a contact form so we can get back to you. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog! 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Leave A Gift To Your Favorite Charity With Life Insurance

Every year people all across the country donate millions of dollars to their favorite charities, churches and non-profit organizations. Many of these folks are not too concerned about having their names put on a plaque or other accolades. Their motives may be different from one another, such as a tax write off or just wanting to know that they are making a difference somehow. A few dollars here and there can add up for a charity, but what if you could leave a sizable amount to your favorite non-profit? What if that amount is more than you had ever considered giving away?

You can donate tens of thousands of dollars through the use of a life insurance policy by naming a charity as a beneficiary. It isn't a new concept but it is underutilized. And there are a few ways to do this.

There are some life insurance policies that have a "charitable giving" rider. It allows you to name a non-profit to receive a percentage of your death benefit. The one issue is that there may be limits in place that have to coincide with the IRS's maximum gift giving amounts. The advantage is that these riders eliminate having to create a charitable trust and usually don't cost any extra. The charity does have to be a legitimate 501(c)(3) entity in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service.

For those who would like to donate higher amounts of money without worrying about IRS limits, the best option is to take out a policy and then donate it to the charity. By transferring ownership of the policy, the charity can control the proceeds. 

For instance, let's assume you donate a policy to your church. Given that the policy will accumulate some cash value (I wouldn't suggest a term policy in this instance) the church can access that money for small emergencies, like a new refrigerator when one dies, rather than wait for someone to donate a fridge.

And since the church is the owner of the policy, they will be receiving the bill for the premium payments. As the donor, you can just write a check for the premium amount to the church and write it off your taxes.

When you do pass on to your great reward, the church, or whatever charity you choose, can receive the death benefit and use it at their discretion. I typically throw out examples like naming a Sunday school classroom after you or a scholarship fund.

Naming the charity of your choice is the simplest way of making sure a non-profit receives the death benefit from your policy. It doesn't offer with the tax advantages that come with donating your policy, but it still reduces the donor's estate by the amount of the death benefit.

If you aren't completely sure how you want to distribute your death proceeds you can name the charity as a revocable beneficiary. This gives you some flexibility in case your financial situation changes, or if you decide to no longer fund that charity. For example, a few years ago, a large non-profit was in the news because their board members were using funds to take expensive vacations. I don't think any of us would want to know that if we died we would be paying for a nice trip to the Bahamas for someone else. If that is the case, you can always change your beneficiary.

If you have a charity or non-profit that is important to you, give us a call and let us help you find a way to endow them through a life insurance policy. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Is Life Insurance Taxable?

About once a year or so I will have someone ask if they have to pay taxes on life insurance proceeds. It's an interesting question, but generally speaking most life insurance benefits are not taxed, but there are a few exceptions. Here are a couple of things to look for.

Most of the time an insurance company will pay a death benefit in one lump sum. However there are times when the policy pays out in installments. The principal is held in an interest-bearing account and pays the benefit over a series of years, like an annuity. The original death benefit is tax free but the interest is taxable. 

Another way it can be taxable is if your life insurance is part of your estate, but this is only a problem if  your estate value is above the estate tax limit, which is over $11million this year. Not a problem for most of us, but one way to avoid this is to make sure your beneficiaries are updated. For instance, if your beneficiaries have died already, the company will generally pay the estate instead of surviving heirs. 

An exception is if the surviving spouse is the beneficiary, as spouses are generally exempt to estate taxes, even if they exceed the estate tax limit.

Generally speaking, life insurance involves two people - the insured, who is also the owner (and payor) of the policy, and the beneficiary. However there are times when there is a third person in the mix. This happens when the insured and the owner are two separate people. When this happens the IRS considers the benefits to be a "gift" from the owner to the beneficiary. 

The good news is that because of the way the gift tax works, you probably wouldn't have to pay it anyway. The tax wouldn't be due until your death and unless your estate is over that $11million threshold.This being said, you should still report any sizable gifts to keep track and stay honest with the IRS.

There is also the issue of "cashing out" permanent life insurance policies, like whole life or universal life. These policies build cash value internally and feature the option of letting you take out some or all of the proceeds if needed. A rule of thumb is that if you don't take out more than you have put in, you should be fine. 

The other option is to take out the funds as a loan. I know of clients who use this option instead of getting a loan from the bank, mostly for the convenience and not having to fill out a lot of paperwork. They will repay the loan and sometimes then repeat the process, as they "warehouse" their money in the life insurance policy. Be aware that if you "cash out" part of the face amount or take it as a loan, when you die, the insurance carrier will pay the benefits minus the amount you borrowed or cashed out.

One thing to keep in mind is that permanent cash value life insurance policies have the possibility of becoming a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC) by the IRS guidelines if you overpay your premiums. With life insurance having a special status, some people will take advantage of paying in more than the stated premiums and the IRS will allow this up to a limit, but beyond that limit your proceeds could be taxable.  

As I stated earlier, the tax liability of life insurance proceeds rarely is an issue, but for those clients who have in depth questions I always suggest they talk to a CPA or even check the IRS website. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!