Friday, May 15, 2020

Universal Life Anyone?

From time to time I will have a client tell me "I know nothing about life insurance, but my friend says I need whole life" or "The guy on TV says to buy term and invest the difference".  Oddly, no one suggest Universal Life (UL) to their friends.

UL's can be a great fit for a life insurance game plan if structured correctly.  Unfortunately, they can also be confusing to agents and clients alike.  Here are some things to consider before purchasing a UL.

  1.  The growth in traditional UL's are based off of interest rates.  Back in the 1970's and 1980's, when interest rates were very high, UL's were sold as investment vehicles.  When interest rates dropped, so did the growth of the policies. 
  2.  The cost of insurance increases as time passes.  Unlike a whole life policy, whose costs drops with time, UL's fees increase.  If the costs surpass the growth (see #1) the policy will "eat at itself". 
  3.  UL's are considered "flexible premium" policies.  An agent can offer you a minimum, maximum and target premium.  We recommend not going with the minimum, as it looks attractive but can end up with no cash value at some point.
  4.  Indexed UL's are based on an "index" which reflects the markets instead of interest rates.  These can be used for retirement supplements (again, if structured correctly) and can be more affordable than a whole life.  Indexed UL's are great for the conservative person who doesn't want to be directly in the market and still needs life insurance protection for their family.
I've seen people use UL's for all kinds of purposes, including final expense (if you're healthy it can be a lot less expensive than a whole life plan) and retirement supplements (the cash value can accumulate well if structured properly). 

In the current economic situation that many individuals and families are faced with, a good UL can protect your family and provide an extra income stream in your later years. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Disability Waiver of Premium

You have decided to purchase that life insurance policy you have been thinking about. Now you have the peace of mind knowing that if you were to die unexpectedly your family could stay in there home, your kids will have the money to go to college if they wish, and your spouse will be able to handle everyday expenses. But there's one thing that is still nagging you. What if you get sick or hurt, and are unable to work? Will you be able to keep paying for that life insurance policy?

The last thing you need at that point is to have your life insurance pulled out from under you. But there is good news. Most life insurance policies have an optional Disability Waiver of Premium (WP) that you can add on when you purchase your policy. What the WP does is insure that if you are disabled and can't pay your premiums, the insurance company will pay the premium for you. Basically, it's insurance on your insurance. 

In a previous post, I told the story of my client who purchased life and disability policies at the urging of her husband. A few years later she was seriously injured in a house fire and her disability policy paid as it was supposed to. When she recovered she called me one day to ask about her life insurance policy. "They haven't drafted out of my bank account. Is my policy cancelled for non-payment?" she asked.

The answer was that the policy was still in force and that the WP of premium was triggered because we used the same insurance company for both policies. When she went on claim for her disability policy, the company cross-referenced her life policy and began paying her premiums for her. She didn't even realize she had the WP on her policy. 

When you take out a life insurance policy make sure to ask about the WP. It's usually very inexpensive and can give you the peace of mind that if you were to be sick or hurt and unable to work, your life insurance will still be in place, giving your loved ones the security you want.

Let us know if you have any questions and feel free to subscribe. And of course,stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient.

Monday, May 11, 2020

My Belated Mother's Day Story

I hope everyone celebrated Mother's Day yesterday with mom, or in my case, remembering my mother and her legacy. Mother's Day conjures up all sorts of memories about my mom, grandmothers and other women who were surrogate "moms" from my childhood.

My mother was considered to be "everyone's mom" as she was accessible to most of my friends growing up. She would offer advice, encourage us and give us cooking tips. But in her later years, she slowed down a lot. In 2006, while having knee replacement surgery, she suffered a mild stroke that triggered dementia. My father insisted on taking care of her at home. 

Years earlier I had expressed concern that my parents needed Long Term Care (LTC) insurance, only to be rebuffed. As I lived two hours away and my only sibling was seven hours away, we struggled to make sure my dad, in his 80's at this point, could handle the stress of caring for his wife as well as maintaining his own health. He lost a lot of weight and would call often for assistance. It was difficult for everyone, especially when she was having "episodes" related to her dementia. 

At one point in the beginning my father told my sister, "Maybe I need to look into that Long Term Care insurance for your mother." My sister replied that it was too late, since no company would issue a policy at that point, and he should have taken my advice earlier. Frustration boiled over as we knew this was no time for "I told you so."

Watching this play out over the course of five years took it's toll on me and my sister. Our mother was there physically, and did her best to keep her dignity as she forgot who we were, including my father. She'd say things like, "This man (my dad) won't help me." Sometimes I'd visit and she recognized my face but couldn't remember my name. She would often insist her brothers, who had passed away year earlier, were in the house visiting her. 

When my mom passed away in 2011 my father was a shell of his former self. He looked old and frail, and walked with a shuffle. I never brought up the Long Term Care issue again, which would have come in handy for him as well, because shortly after my mother's passing he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. 

The fact is that most Long Term Care policies include home health benefits, which would have helped greatly for both of my parents. And now there are Short Term Home healthcare (STHHC) policies, which help with the costs associated with being at home only and not a facility. Again, both of my parents would have benefited. 

Enjoy your mother if you can, and one of the best things you can do for her and your family is to prepare for the future with LTC or STHHC coverage. And as always, stay healthy. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient.

Friday, May 8, 2020

A Great Disability Insurance Story

As it's Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), I thought I'd share a story about one of my clients. We will call her Mary to protect her identity. 

Several years ago, Mary had married one of my clients, who insisted that she purchase some life insurance and a disability policy. Mary was reluctant at first, but agreed and purchased both because "my husband told me to." She was very sweet about it all and I think she was just humoring me as well as her new spouse. Each of the newlyweds were small business owners. 

A year or so after she was approved for her policy she was at home when she smelled something burning. A fire had started around an electrical outlet and she managed to get out of the house, only to realize that her beloved pets were still inside. She went back in to rescue them but the fumes and smoke were too much. The fire and rescue people found her alive but burned badly. 

I was totally unaware of the situation until I read a mention of it on Facebook. Not sure of her condition, I called her husband who said she had been moved to a burn center out of state. He had already forgotten about the policy she bought, so I sent him the claim forms, which he forwarded to her mother who was taking care of her (he had to tend to his business).

Within a few weeks the insurance company was sending out the benefit checks. Mary was unaware of any of this because she was heavily sedated. Every few months I would get copied on correspondence from the company as they continued to pay the claim. After months of healing and rehabilitation, Mary was able to leave the care of her medical team. I heard she was back in town but hadn't seen her, so I was surprised when she crept up behind me in a Mexican restaurant and gave me a hug. 

"I just want to say thank you for making sure I had that policy and following up," she said. "That money came in handy while I was away!" We spoke for a few more minutes and she left. Even though she was still on the mend she looked great and I was happy to see her in good spirits.

I share this story people because it shows how a good disability policy works. Even though the vast majority of claims are actually for illnesses, her story resonates and has led to more people asking for this coverage. In these times of Covid19, people are starting to realize the value of good insurance and we are here to help. 

If you're curious as to how much a policy like this would cost, run yourself an estimate on the "Get A Quote" tool in the upper right of the page.  Stay healthy and let us know if you need anything.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Get You Some Insurance and Relax

The Greek word for "insurance" is "asfalisi", which literally means "security".  Not like a security guard, but more like a security blanket. In other words, insurance makes us feel secure knowing that if something bad should happen to us, like an accident or health crisis, our bills will be taken care of and so will our loved ones.

People love to "get away from it all", with trips, vacations, hobbies or music. We all need something to take our minds off of the everyday issues we deal with, from work to family, traffic to bad neighbors. There's a lot of stress out there and some in the medical community point to this stress as the root of a gamut of medical problems. And the cause can be those nagging little voices in the back of our heads letting us know if we get sick or hurt, we still have bills to pay.

Are you the breadwinner of the family? What would happen to your loved ones if you were to die too soon? Could your spouse and children stay in their home? What about debt? Who is going to pay those bills? Can the kids go to college? And what about those day-to-day expenditures, like when the refrigerator breaks down or you need a car in a pinch?

Sure, you could do something like a GoFundMe page, but why not avoid all of that by purchasing a life or disability insurance policy from now?  And with a pandemic all around us now is a great time to call us at Surf Financial Brokers and have a conversation.

We hear people always say that life is too short to suffer through all the aggravations and stress. Let us help you get a little more peace of mind with coverage that is affordable. And stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient

Monday, May 4, 2020

DIAM Is Here!

May has been designated as Disability Insurance Awareness Month, which is a great idea when you consider that Disability Insurance (DI) is one of the most undersold, yet necessary products offered. There are a lot of misconceptions about the product and how it works, along with some screwy ideas of when to get rid of it.

When I speak to a group on the topic of different types of insurance, I discuss the "Holy Trinity of Insurance" (covered in a previous post), which are life insurance, health insurance and DI. Oddly enough, some people insists that they can't afford it, but don't understand that it protects their greatest asset, their ability to earn a living. Being able to earn an income allows us to purchase the things we want, like a home or car. If we can't work, we still need to pay for things we need, like housing, groceries and utilities.

And yes, DI covers Covid-19, as long as you don't have it when you apply for a policy.

Check out the short video and let us know if we can help you preserve your greatest asset.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Life Insurance or Flat Screen TV?

Part of my job is helping people get their priorities straight.  For instance, I met with a client this past December who was married and had two small kids.  He had no life insurance.  He agreed that it was important but added, "I can't afford it right now, the kids want a flatscreen TV."

My response was "If another car crosses the center line and kills you, that flatscreen television won't be able to put your kids through college, help your wife pay off the mortgage, replace your income, erase your credit card debt or pay for your funeral."

The client said, "I just can't do it right now."

I could have continued to extol the virtues of purchasing a life insurance policy, not for himself, but for his family.  It wouldn't have made a difference.  His priorities were out of whack.  It was Christmas and he wanted to make the family happy for the short term.

I came to two conclusions after this meeting.  1. For some reason, this generation fails to think in the long term.  We don't plan for others that will come behind us, only for what gives us gratification now.  And 2, people can "afford" what they want to buy.

I'm not saying that this young man was a bad person. He obviously loved his family by wanting to make them happy at Christmas. My job is to try to convince this person that an extra $40-50 each month was going to keep his family, that he loved so much, in their home if he was to die unexpectedly. In a case like this, he wasn't going to budge and really didn't want to pressure him.

He really wanted to buy that TV. But why didn't he want to buy life insurance? Maybe he thought he wasn't going to die anytime soon. Or maybe because it's an intangible product, whereas a TV has lots of buttons and can offer some instant entertainment gratification. A life insurance policy will only satisfy others.

When we buy life, disability or long term care insurance, we get the satisfaction of knowing that if something should happen to us, the others around us aren't burdened with bills or taking care of us. In other words, can you sleep comfortably knowing that your family will be okay if something bad happens to you?

As an insurance agent, I have to help my clients find the right path to financial security. Sometimes the client doesn't want to be helped. I hope this gentleman's wife and kids can help him learn what his priorities are before it's too late.

Stay healthy and let us know if we can help you with your insurance needs.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, as well as a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient.