Monday, August 24, 2015

A Life Insurance Agent's Second Biggest Problem

Let's face it, no one really wants to buy life insurance.  I'd rather buy a car or a new smart television or a cool phone or a trip to Hawaii.  Wanting something is great, but is it a priority?

The second biggest problem life insurance agents have is telling a client something they already know, which is that their priorities are all mixed up and taking care of their family in the event of an untimely death should be at the top of the list.  If I died tomorrow, a car or TV or phone or a trip won't insulate my family from debt and loss of income.

So the next time you talk with your life insurance agent (hopefully us), know ahead of time that we are looking out for your family's interest, not your short-term purchases.

And in case you were wondering, the number one biggest problem is getting a client.  If you know of anyone that could use life insurance (newlyweds, new parents, just bought a home), let them know about us and our 30-second life insurance quotes, which can be found here.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Insurance For Your Life Insurance

There's currently a television commercial that mentions how a family depends on the income of the husband (or it could be the wife, mom, etc).  The question they ask is "How would your family make it without your paycheck?"

At first glance I thought they were talking about disability insurance since that truly is insurance for your paycheck.  However, this was an advertisement for life insurance.  And it is true that your family depends on your paycheck and would be in big financial trouble if you suddenly died.

But what if you didn't die?  What if you survived and you were disabled? The truth is that this could be an even worse situation for your family.  Not only would you not be able to work, but you may need a caretaker.  Like a client once told me, "If I'm dead I'm out of the picture, but if I'm disabled, I still have to eat."

And the last thing you need at that point is not being able to afford your life insurance.  Which is why we at Surf Financial Brokers stress the importance of an optional Waiver of Premium (WP).  The WP rider pays your life insurance premiums for you in the event that you are disabled and can no longer work.  Insurance on your insurance for a small additional charge.