Showing posts with label georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label georgia. Show all posts

Monday, April 26, 2021

3 Ways To Set A Good Financial Example For Your Family

One of the most intriguing things I have learned in my many years of being a life insurance agent is how values are handed down from one generation of a family to the next. This is almost always true for everything, from work ethics to religious beliefs. Most notably I see it with financial practices. For example, parents who have bad credit will also have adult children who tend to be late paying bills, creating bad credit for themselves as well. 

One of the other areas where this is true is when it comes to life insurance. There are parents who don't buy life insurance because of various reasons, like thinking it's some sort of scam (yes, I've heard this!) or "Why do I need something I can't use?" (it's not for you, but for your family!). On the flipside of this, I have clients who know the value of life insurance because their parents had policies which paid out nicely. 

Sometimes they insists on buying whole life insurance because "that's what my mother said to buy", which is fine, but maybe a term policy is a better fit for their needs and budget. At least they're considering the purchase for their families. That's the first step in making sure that if something should happen their surviving loved ones will be financially secure.

I often hear stories from clients about how life insurance helped them. My wife is a great example. Her father passed away very unexpectedly when she was still in high school. He had a large policy that helped her and her siblings pay for college and pay many of the outstanding bills. We even used some to the proceeds years later to put a down payment on our home. Now my wife tells people how that policy was helpful, even though she doesn't sell insurance.

Too often, however, I hear stories of families struggling to make ends meet when one of the breadwinners in the family dies too soon. You can easily avoid leaving your loved ones all kinds of bills, like outstanding debts like mortgages, credit cards, car payments and funeral expenses. Shifting the burden of covering all those bills to a life insurance policy will give you and your family the peace of mind that lets you sleep well at night.

I often hear stories from clients about how life insurance helped them. My wife is a great example. Her father passed away very unexpectedly when she was still in high school. He had a large policy that helped her and her siblings pay for college and pay many of the outstanding bills. We even used some to the proceeds years later to put a down payment on our home. Now my wife tells people how that policy was helpful, even though she doesn't sell insurance.

On the other hand I also hear nightmarish stories about families struggling to pay bills and wondering if they can afford to stay in their homes because one of the breadwinners failed to take care of something as simple as buying a life insurance policy. 

About a year ago I met a young widow whose husband died suddenly in a traffic accident. He left a ton of debt, including payments on a muscle car that she eventually sold at a loss because he was upside down on the payments. Her son, a bright kid who was about to graduate from high school, told me "I probably won't go to college because we just can't afford it." He is having to go with his "plan B" which is to enter the military and use the GI Bill down the road.

Making the purchase of a policy can be the deciding factor in whether or not your family can afford to stay in their home, go to college, or just pay off any debt you may have incurred. And life insurance is much less expensive than you may think. Here are a few steps you can take to make you a hero long after you are gone.

  1. Go to our website and get a quote. Find a policy that fits in your budget.
  2. Not sure how much life insurance to get? Use the "calculate" button to see how much coverage will be needed.
  3. If you see a policy you like you can start the application immediately. 

By letting your family know they are taken care of if something should happen to you will send a great message to prepare for the unexpected. It's that easy. And if you have a question, you can just drop us a note. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Monday, April 19, 2021

What the Big Deal With Replacing My Policy?

A few weeks ago I was with a client who needed some extra life insurance. Actually, she needed quite a bit more, and we found a very suitable policy that fit right into her budget. She was happy with it and decided to proceed with the application. I began asking all the questions and everything was going well until we came to the question about replacements. Why was the insurance company so interested in her current coverage and whether or not she was going to replace it with the new policy? 

You see, when you apply for a life insurance policy, the company wants to know if you already have coverage, and if so, which company is it with and are you going to keep it and just get additional coverage, or will you be replacing it all with the new policy? The insurance company isn't being nosy, but actually they are looking out for your best interest. 

The reason for this is that life insurance typically pays a large commission to the agent, around 70-80% for the first year, depending on the policy. After that first year, the agent's commission drops dramatically to around 5%. With this in mind, an unethical agent may try to replace your current policy to sell you something that will pay another large first-year commission.

This practice is known as "churning" as in "churning up fresh commissions" and is frowned upon by the industry, and in some states is illegal. 

The issue is that the replacement may not be in the best interest of the client. Replacing the policy with another may result in higher premiums, but that unscrupulous agent doesn't care. But the insurance carrier does, which is why they have added additional forms to the application packet asking all of those questions about your current policies. In essence, the insurance company wants to make sure that the agent is doing the right thing by you.

It's not just life insurance where this occurs either. Several years ago I was introduced to a very nice lady who had an issue with an annuity. She started out with about $250,000 that she had put into an annuity. The agent would call her every couple of years and tell her that he had something better, and would move her money to another annuity. Each time he did this he made a nice fat commission. 

But something else was happening as well. The move would cost her thousands in surrender charges and early withdrawal penalties. She showed me a folder with all of the paperwork and the agent must have moved her money at least three times. 

We called the current company where her money was housed and I asked what amount of money was there. She was down to about $85,000 and if I were to move it she was going to lose an additional $10,000. I recommended that she stay put and to stop answering calls from that other agent. 

When I let her know what that the agent's commission was (My estimate was around 7% each time he moved her money) she said, "Every time he talked me into changing companies I probably bought him a new car." She was right.

As you can see, those crazy questions are on the application because the company is looking out for you best interest. If you have any other insurance questions you would like answered, leave us a note in the comments section. And in the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, March 19, 2021

Do I Need To Put My Life Insurance Inside a Trust?

Since we are in the middle of tax season I have tried to keep this week's topics around insurance and taxes. The last one is a bit different but may be of use to some people.  

As the title of this post implies, we are going to take a quick look at trusts and why people use them for life insurance purposes. And like my previous posts, I am obligated to give my disclaimer that I am not a tax expert, so if you have more specific questions about the tax implications I recommend consulting a tax professional.

Why would anyone want to put life insurance inside of a trust, you ask? For several reasons, actually. For instance, there are those people who have special needs children and may be interested in funding their care as they become special needs adults. In that instance, we use a Special Needs Trust and a "second to die" life insurance policy to fund it when both parents pass away. 

However, for the purposes of this blog we will look at Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT). When we (or our attorney) create a trust, it's basically like creating a whole new entity, like a new person. The purpose of using the trust for life insurance is for estate tax purposes. The life insurance policy inside the trust is no longer part of the estate, so it can't be taxed. 

The current federal estate tax exemption is $11,700,000, which is very high and adjusted for inflation each year. However, the amount is scheduled to drop to $5,000,000 on December 31, 2025. And now that the Democrats are in control of congress it may drop sooner. 

I realize that for many people these numbers may seem extremely high. At the same time, I know a business owner who purchased a piece of land many years ago and opened a small restaurant. The value of that property increased dramatically over years since he bought it, so his house and business are close to reaching that $5m threshold. When I discussed it with him, he was totally unaware.

Another thing to consider is that you can name a trustee, who may be a family member but can also be a friend or even your attorney. This trustee can use the policy proceeds (death benefit) for your beneficiaries without giving them full control of the monies. This is important if you have small children, a second marriage or if your beneficiaries can't manage the money on their own. 

My advice when it comes to these kinds of situations is to consult a good estate attorney who has experience in these matters. Just because an attorney can make a will does not necessarily mean they understand trusts. When the word "irrevocable" is in the name it means you can't change things later. As a good attorney friend of mine once said to me, "Get a lawyer who has done this before. You don't want one to practice on your client."

There are a few rules you need to be aware of. Some are:

  1. You can transfer existing policies into the trust but there is a three year lookback, so if you die in the first three years the death proceeds will be included in your estate and potentially taxed. 
  2. The estate is a separate entity and will need it's own tax identification number. Because of this, your premiums will need to be "gifted" to the trust. The trust will, in turn, pay the premiums to the insurance company.
Overall, a trust can be a great way to use life insurance to pay estate taxes. And as I stated earlier, it's best to consult an estate attorney and a tax professional if you have questions. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog! 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Does A Tax Free Retirement Plan Exist?

Keeping with the theme of taxes this week, I wanted to share some information on a life insurance plan and how to use it to your advantage when it comes to taxes, or should I say "tax avoidance". One product in particular may help you supplement your retirement without having Uncle Sam reaching into your pocket. 

First, I have to again give the obligatory disclaimer that I am not a tax expert and if you have questions or concerns regarding any of this you should consult your own tax professional. 

As an insurance agent I have worked with many products and, for the most part, my clients are made up of middle class people. Many of them are small business owners (less than 50 employees) or self-employed individuals in sales or other related professions. In a nutshell, I'm not working with a lot of millionaires.

Life insurance for most of these people is usually term, which is affordable, but does not offer many other features other than a death benefit. When I ask about their retirement plans they usually have a small amount of money put away, but not much. (After the Great Recession of 2008 many used their 401(k) plans to pay their bills). 

With this in mind, I let them know that life insurance has a special status when it comes to taxes. The death benefit is almost always non-taxable. Once people figured this out they started taking advantage of this and companies developed policies like whole life and universal life insurance that could build some cash value internally.

These policies also allowed for "over funding", which means you can pay additional premiums into the policy, over and above the stated price of the insurance, with the intention of having some money accumulating. The IRS made some guidelines to prevent the abuse of this loophole, by declaring a policy with too much premium going in as a Modified Endowment Contract* (MEC). 

However, permanent life insurance policies do allow one to access that cash value inside the policy. How they access the money is the tricky part (it's not that tricky) to avoid paying any taxes on it. 

Taking the cash out of the policy as a loan removes the tax burden on insured person because everyone assumes that the loan will be repaid. And if the person dies before repayment, that loan is deducted from the death benefit. And this is where these policies are most effective. 

Because that loan is tax-free, one can over fund a policy to its maximum (without becoming a MEC) and use that money as a "retirement supplement" without paying a dime to the government. 

Here is where I have to give another disclaimer. First and foremost, these are life insurance policies and NOT investment vehicles. For years when the interest rates were high, agents sold universal life as a way to make money instead of protecting money. This practice is frowned upon in our industry.

And since it is life insurance, an insured age, tobacco usage and medical history can affect the cost of the policy, as well as the cash accumulation. A 30 year old healthy non-smoker will get much more out of this plan than a 40 year old obese smoker with high blood pressure and diabetes.

Even though this can be done with a whole life insurance policy, the most efficient way to do this is with an indexed universal life (IUL) policy. I will acknowledge that there are detractors to these policies who see the problems from the past when traditional universal life policies failed to provide the cash when interest rates began to fall. 

The secret here is to structure an IUL properly from the beginning. If done properly, an insured can access the money in the policy in the form of a loan for many years. 

If you would like information on how to use a life insurance policy a tax-free retirement supplement, let us know. In the meantime, please stay healthy.

*When a policy becomes a MEC it also becomes taxable. Since no one wants that too happen we, as life insurance agents, will run an illustration to get as close to a MEC without having it become one. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog! 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Can Cannabis Users Get Life Insurance?

I recently had a conversation with one of our marketing partners on the subject of how various life insurance companies deal with insuring cannabis users. It was a good talk and I learned a few things (which is always a good thing).

A little background first. Back in the 1990's, only around 24% of the population was in favor of legalizing (actually "decriminalization" is the correct term) marijuana, but views have changed a bit and that number is currently around 66%.  With more and more states making cannabis legal in some form or fashion over the last 20 years, the insurance industry has had to adapt and alter their own guidelines. 

So how does all of this affect the rates of cannabis users? Can they get a life insurance policy and what happens to the rates?

You actually may be surprised to know that there are plenty of carriers out there who are insuring cannabis users, and they are not just limited to those no-exam companies.

Actually, one can still be approved a traditional life insurance policy if they use marijuana. Like policies for tobacco users, which have slightly higher premiums, many companies treat cannabis the same. 

But there are a few factors to figure into the equation when they determine rates. Some of these are gender, general health condition and if the applicant is using marijuana recreationally or as a medical prescription. 

When you consider that tobacco has more known negative health affects than marijuana, the rates can be comparable to "smoker" rates, or even less in some cases. Ultimately, the most successful way to get the best life insurance rates is to shop around and compare multiple insurance companies. That way one can find out what policies are out there and best suit their needs.

At Surf Financial Brokers we offer a very easy-to-use quoting tool that asks about cannabis use, with a good selection of carriers, their rates and other information. And if someone sees a policy they like, they can even start an application.

Keep in mind that when it comes to calculating insurance rates for cannabis users there is not a homogenous answer. Each company sets it's own rates and underwriting guidelines. Therefore, how companies view marijuana use will vary from carrier to carrier.

One thing to keep in mind is that marijuana is used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions, from pain to anxiety. The insurance company's underwriters may be more concerned with those medical conditions that require treatment with marijuana than the actual prescription. 

This means that one's premiums could be higher as a result of health risks like cancer or auto-immune diseases which are being treated with cannabis, instead of the cannabis use itself.

But there are those people who use marijuana not for medicinal purposes but just recreational use. For those folks, many insurers will still issue a policy. How the policy is issued (as a tobacco smoker or non-smoker) is determined by usage, frequency and other factors. As mentioned earlier, each company has their own guidelines.

Underwriters may as more questions concerning how one uses marijuana (edibles, smoking, tincture, etc.) and quantities. They may also be concerned about any other drug usage, including alcohol. Much like long term care insurance underwriting, they might try to "connect the dots" to see if the applicant has general "lifestyle" concerns. 

Most of the underwriter's questions will be about frequency. The less often one partakes of cannabis, the lower their life insurance rates can be potentially. Someone who smokes once a month will have a lower rate (in some cases it doesn't affect the rate at all) than the person who enjoys a joint daily.

If you are an occasional user and still need life insurance, let us know. Or take a look at our quoting tool and run a quote for yourself. In the meantime, please stay healthy! 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Can I Change My Health Insurance Now?

For people who have been without health insurance during the pandemic, relief may be in sight. President Biden signed an executive order this past January to open up the federal health insurance marketplace for three months so uninsured people can buy a plan and those with plans can make changes.

Since 2016 the number of Americans without health insurance has reached 30 million by 2019. The Covid-19 pandemic has made a bad situation even worse with millions losing their jobs and the insurance coverage that comes with it.

Typically the enrollment period runs from November thru early December. If one needed to get coverage outside of that window of time, they had to have a life-changing event, such as the birth of a child or loss of coverage from an employer. These changes would trigger a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). 

The new enrollment period started on February 15 and continues for three months, much longer than usual enrollment periods. With that the Biden administration plans to run an outreach campaign with paid advertising and direct-to-consumer marketing in hopes of attracting new people to the insurance pool.

The enrollment window for people in states that use the federal marketplace is open to anyone who is uninsured and would normally be eligible to buy coverage on the exchange. Those with incomes up to 400% of the federal poverty level (about $51,500 for one person or $106,000 for a family of four) are eligible for premium tax credits that can substantially reduce their costs. 

With the new special enrollment period, how long someone has been uninsured isn't relevant, nor do people have to provide documentation that they have lost their coverage through work.

For those who already have a marketplace plan but want to change to a different plan, this is a great opportunity to do so. Otherwise they would have to wait until the end of the year. Also, now is a great time to update information regarding job status and income as well. has become easier to manage for the consumer in the last few years when it comes to making changes or looking for forms. Especially now that we are in tax season, many people will need their 1095-A form. 

At Surf Financial we have made getting health insurance easy to apply for our friends in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia*. By going through our portal to the Health Sherpa system they can see rates and compare them easily.

An interesting wrinkle of late in all of that some of the "Blues" (Blue Cross and Blue Choice) have decided to send letters out indicating that there would be some pretty hefty rate increases starting April 1. From the letters I've seen the clients are going to be subject to increases of around 19%. In my estimation I think the insurance companies are using the SEP as a reason to increase their prices now instead of waiting for the end of the year. 

If you do not currently have health insurance and need some, check out the portal above and you can start shopping for insurance. And if you already have coverage but are interested in changing, you can do the same. And if you have questions, drop us a note. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

*Those are the states we are licensed in currently.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Do People Have Enough Life Insurance?

Many Americans do not have nearly enough life insurance to support their families’ needs. In fact, about 44% of families say they would face financial hardship in six months if the primary wage earner were to die, noted David Levenson, president and CEO of LL Global, in a recent video presentation. Now, a group of life insurance organizations is aiming to change that.

LL Global, the parent organization of life insurance researcher LIMRA and LOMA, is helping lead an effort with industry trade associations and more than 60 of their largest member companies and distribution partners to close the life insurance coverage gap. One initiative is encouraging financial professionals to engage with their existing clients to look at the adequacy of their protection. 

"Most people think it’s just to pay for funeral expenses; but the word ‘life insurance’ is really a misnomer," Elsie Theodore, a Virginia-based regional vice president of Primerica, told Investopedia. "Can anyone really insure someone’s life? No, ‘life insurance’ is really income replacement. Its purpose is to replace the income of the breadwinners in the household."

As a general rule, she added, “When you are trying to determine how much coverage you should have, you must first look at your annual income then multiply by 10. You make $100,000 a year, your life insurance should be at least $1 million.”

That number may seem high but the priority is making sure that loved ones can stay in their home, take care of the everyday bills and even provide for education costs if children are still in the picture.

A major problem today, Theodore noted, is that many people rely solely on the group life insurance provided by their employer, which is often inadequate. Typically those policies only provide coverage for one or two years salary replacement. Also, they may or may not be portable, which means if the the employee changes jobs the policy might not be there when their family needs it most. 

According LIMRA’s research, about 60 million American households don’t have the proper protection for their families, with an average deficiency of $200,000.2

What's more, the problem is worse than it was in the past. While 63% of Americans had life insurance coverage a decade ago, that number had dropped to 54% by 2020, LIMRA says.

There are a lot of contributing factors to the incomplete coverage, including changes in individual life
distribution, employment-based benefits, worker participation rates, family and household make-up, and population demographics. People also have competing financial priorities.

In addition, there are misconceptions about price point, need, and ease of purchasing, particularly among Millennials. This is ironic when you realize that most of them grew up with phones and most agencies are trying their best to make insurance coverage accessible on mobile devices.

As LIMRA points out, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility of life and focused more Americans on the role of life insurance.

Theodore recounted one particularly sad situation: "After a few attempts to get this one client to sit with me and get her plan started, she called me because she had 13 members of her family die from COVID-19 and not a single one had insurance. That was an unfortunate wake-up call.”

The life insurance industry has also responded to the pandemic by adapting its sales practices. Companies have made significant advancements in the ability to deliver a fully digital purchase experience so consumers can choose to buy a policy when, how, and where they want. Understandably, insurance carriers are increasing the availability of web based applications and decreasing the requirements for in person medical exams. 

If you aren't sure if you have enough coverage, let us help. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, February 5, 2021

4 Things To Consider Before You Buy Cancer Insurance

If you currently do not have a cancer insurance policy, you may be wondering why anyone would need or want one. In my experience as an agent over the last 20+ years, I found that the people who purchase a cancer insurance plan do so because they either have concerns about cancer in their family history or they know of someone, a friend or co-worker, who has been diagnosed with cancer. In the case of the latter, there is a realization that their health insurance does not cover all of the costs associated with a cancer diagnosis. 

Many times I have sat down with an employee of a business where I am enrolling benefits and hear how one of the other employees has recently been diagnosed with an invasive cancer. This creates a type of "wake up call" for the other members of the staff because they just assumed that their major medical coverage would cover all of the bills. 

With all of this in mind, I thought it would be a good time to cover a few things to consider before you purchase a cancer plan. 

1. Cancer plans cover a lot of out-of-pocket expenses. Items like co-pays, deductibles, travel and lodging (if you need to go to a hospital that is not in your area) and experimental treatments not covered by your insurance are just a few of the items that can cost you thousands of dollars. 

2. Not all cancer plans work the same way. Some plans are considered to be "treatment plans", which means that they will reimburse you as you are receiving treatments. Keeping in mind that cancer treatments can go on for months, and in some cases years, these plans can be "richer" as they will continue to pay out as you continue to submit claims. 

On the other hand, some carriers will offer "lump sum" plans, which will pay you a one-time lump sum of money upon diagnosis of cancer. These plans vary in price as you choose the amount of money you will need at the time of the application, some going as high as $75,000. 

I have found that some people who choose the lump sum plan do so for the convenience of only having to file a claim once and it is easier to understand. They also may want just enough to cover their deductibles. There are no wrong answers as it is a matter of preference.

3. You may not be able to get a cancer plan if you have been recently diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, we meet people who have just gotten a "clean bill of health" and want a policy. For those people we have to break the news that they may have to wait several years before being covered by a policy. 

4. If you have a policy already you may want to keep it. Most of the insurance companies that sell cancer insurance rarely increase the rates of their policies. Instead, they keep the old policies on the books and will develop or enhance "new policies". For example, one carrier has a policy with a "benefit builder", which means it pays more the longer you keep the policy. However, that policy is no longer being sold, but the company will let you keep it if you want it. 

As treatments evolve, so do the policies. A good example is one of the "lump sum" policies we offer that includes genomic testing. A tissue sample of the cancer is sent to a lab, which in turn will send treatment suggestions to the doctors, all at no extra charge. 

If you would like information about cancer coverage for you or your family, drop by our website or leave us a note. In the meantime, stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!