Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Now Is A Great Time To Reconsider Benefits For Your Employees

There has been a lot of talk on the news and social media about the labor shortage that we are having in our country of late. Despite what some outlets are saying, there are a variety of reasons why employers are having a hard time finding and keeping personnel.

One way employers can get the employees they want is to offer benefits. I have worked in the workplace benefits arena for years and have seen many small business owners brush off the idea of having to deal with payroll deductions and billing issues. But those same people are now starting to reconsider as they find staffing their businesses to be more difficult than ever.

We work with several companies that offer benefits and can coordinate existing benefits into the mix as well. And we can cover groups of any size, from 2 people to 2000! If you are a business owner or know of someone having staffing issues, let us help you find a good product mix that your employees will want.

Drop us a note or book a short phone call to discuss what you currently offer and how we can help. 

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient, and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

What Is Telemedicine?

Have you been in a situation where you are miles from home, perhaps on vacation, and a family member gets ill in the middle of the night? You don't have a family doctor nearby and you don't know if you should go to the local emergency room or not. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pick up the phone for some advice?

Telemedicine is a virtual platform that allows you access to healthcare professionals from any location. Whether at home, work, vacation or elsewhere, help is available 24-hours a day.

In many cases, it's unnecessary to wait in an emergency room or urgent care for diagnosis of minor ailments. With telemedicine you can consult a medical professional online or over the phone and receive personalized treatment. And if needed, the provider can call in a prescription* that can be picked up at your local pharmacy.

There are products out there that provide telemedicine services for about $10/month for individuals and $15/month for a family. My experience with these products has been in worksite settings, where an employer will offer it as a "benefit" and have the premiums deducted each pay period. Typically, after having a year or two the employees would cancel it because it, with most saying that the plan wasn't what they thought it was. I think they thought it was a substitute for a family physician or  even health insurance.

The interesting part of this is that most health insurance plans offer some sort of telemedicine as part of their coverage. Other outlets also have a telemedicine option available, like some pharmacies. With that in mind, most people who have health insurance may not need a stand alone plan. 

Recently, I had an interesting experience that I would like to share. I had gone to my physician for a routine visit, but it just so happened I was sick with cold and sinus infection. My doctor prescribed several drugs that I had never taken before to help with the cough and an ear infection that I didn't even know was there.

A day or two after taking these meds I developed a nose bleed. It was quite a mess and a surprise. I wasn't sure what was causing the nose bleed and thought that it may have something to do with the medications. I called my doctor's office and was told that the doctor would call me back later that afternoon. The lady on the phone was very formal and said something like, "I have you down for 5pm for a telemedicine appointment." To be honest, I thought nothing of it.

At 5pm my phone rang and I spoke to the doctor who assured me the medications were not the cause of the nose bleed and that I more than likely had burst a blood vessel by blowing my nose and coughing so much. The call lasted all of about five minutes.

A couple of weeks went by and I got a bill in the mail for $74. Confused, I called to ask why I had a bill when my doctor office copay was $20 which I had paid that after my appointment. "No, that bill is for the telemedicine call," I was told. Apparently, that call was billed differently and my insurance only covered about $30 of the $104.

I learned a valuable lesson. Make sure that you know what you are being charged when you pick up that phone to talk to your doctor. 

*Providers can not prescribe narcotics and some other medicines that are restricted by law.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

What Is The Convertibility Feature In Term Life Insurance?

People who buy term life insurance usually do it because it is extremely affordable and it fits well within their budget during their working years. At some point down the road, however, a permanent policy that can build cash value may seem more attractive. Perhaps the insured can afford to pay a bit more or they just don't need as much coverage. In other words, situations change.

Most term life insurance policies include a stipulation that one can "convert" the policy to a permanent policy, either a universal life or a whole life, within a specific time frame. Instead of purchasing a new policy, one can convert all or some of their current policy, which is much easier. That is because with a conversion there are no health questions or exams. Yes, the new policy will be based on the age of the insured at the time of the conversion, but that would be the same if one were to purchase a new policy.

Without having to worry about health questions, one can convert their policy regardless of changes in health. For example, say you purchased a 20-year term policy 10 years ago, but since then your health has declined significantly. A heart attack, cancer or diabetes would probably keep you from getting a new policy or have one issued at a higher premium . However, you could convert some or all (depending on the insurance carrier) of the face amount without being concerned if your current health situation will affect the rates.

In other words, if you were healthy when you bought the term policy, the new permanent policy will be priced as if you were still healthy, even if you are not.

Why do people want to convert a term life policy? The first reason is to lock in on a premium that will not increase. At the end of the policy's term period, the rate will jump up dramatically and will do so each year. This becomes an "annual renewable term" (ART) which in essence is a series of 1-year term policies. No one really wants that. 

On the other hand, permanent policy will stay the same price as long as you continue to pay the premiums. No more having to worry about outliving your life insurance.

Another reason people will convert a term policy is to start building some cash value. That money grows inside the policy tax-free and can be used down the road for all kinds of purposes*. The earlier one converts the policy the faster the cash value grows. 

The important point is too find out when you purchase a policy as to what your options are. Some carriers will only let you convert in the first 10 years while others will allow for a conversion anytime before the term ends. 

Also, find out what kind of policies you can convert your term policy to. You may not want a traditional universal life policy and that may be your only option, while other companies only have whole life. These are good questions to ask your agent, or drop us a note and we'll help you out. 

Know what your options are when purchasing life insurance! 

*Depending on the amount of cash that has accumulated in a policy, the funds can be either surrendered (cashed out) or borrowed. Surrendering the cash value could have tax implications, but getting the money in the form of a loan is a great way to use the funds for a retirement supplement. Any outstanding loan amounts will be deducted from the face value of the policy at the time of death.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life, disability, long term care, cancer, accident and other insurance coverages in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Why Younger People Should Invest In Life Insurance

Younger adults have always been a difficult market for life insurance agents. They typically feel they are indestructible and will live forever. On top of that is the feeling that life insurance is unnecessary because they tend to marry later in life and don't have the responsibility of family. Nothing could be farther from the truth though.

Our young adults are missing one vital piece of information that could really work in their favor and that is they could be leveraging their good health and young age. Just because they don't think they have a need for life insurance now doesn't mean that they won't need it in a few years. 

Life insurance is cheaper for those who are younger, healthier and don't smoke. Everyone knows that. And for those who are in their 20's, taking advantage of this could really benefit them as they age. Whether they are looking for just a term policy or something that can build cash value down the road, there's a good probability that our younger people can get a great deal.

For instance, purchasing an Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policy and overfunding it from a young age offers a much better opportunity of growth than a traditional whole life policy would. These policies also include features like early withdrawal for income streams, living benefits that you can use while you're still alive, and some tax advantages. 

I often tell the story of a young attorney who really didn't care about the life insurance portion of the policy as much as he wanted a safe place to put his money and retire a bit earlier than most. The illustration I rand for him showed some great tax-free withdrawals (in the form of a loan) as well as the peace of mind knowing that if something were to happen to him his wife would be okay financially. 

That same policy for one of his colleagues who was just a couple of years older but was overweight and a smoker couldn't produce the same results. For him, the "cost of insurance" would have been taken most of the gains of the policy off the table. Again, health matters.

But let's say you don't have the income to spare like the young attorney did but you still want to lock in on a great rate for life insurance. Traditional term policies were always the way to go for coverage during your working years. The problem was that the terms usually maxed out at 30 years, leaving people uninsured (or uninsurable if their health got bad) when they needed the coverage most. 

For these people, we now have a carrier offering a 40- and 45-year term policy, which can lock in a rate to age 65 or even 70 years old. Of course, underwriting is still applicable, but it's still a great deal. These policies are aimed at the "millennial" market who are forward thinking and know that the future will be here faster than expected. 

If you are young, healthy and don't smoke (or know someone who falls into this category), use the "Get a Quote" button on the upper right of this page to see if a term policy would fit in your budget. And if you want an illustration for our IUL product, book a a phone appointment and we'll be happy to talk with you to find out what your goal is. 

In the meantime, stay healthy and let us know if we can help you secure your family's financial future.

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!