Friday, February 26, 2021

What Is The Current State Of Long Term Care Part 3

In the previous posts we took a look at what Long Term Care (LTC) is as well as how those who suffer from chronic illnesses are cared for in various types of facilities. As explained, stays in nursing homes and assisted living facilities are not cheap. Statistically 2 out of every 5 people will need some sort of LTC services, and the cost of those services is steadily rising each year. 

We also discussed a couple of ways to shift the burden of the expenses to an insurance carrier, through either a traditional stand alone Long Term Care insurance (LTCI) policy or a life insurance policy with living benefits. Depending on one's financial situation, age and health conditions, one option may be preferred over the other.  However, there are still another way to help cover the costs of LTC services. 

Short Term Home Healthcare (STHHC) insurance is a great alternative for those who possibly can't afford the premiums of a LTCI policy. As most people would prefer to stay in their own homes instead of a facility, a STHHC is an obvious choice. Especially with Covid wreaking havoc in nursing and assisted living facilities. home healthcare is a better option. But there is a caveat. 

The costs of home healthcare are much higher than staying in a facility. This makes sense if one considers that one-on-one care will cost more compared to a facility where several staff members watch over dozens of people at once.

As I mentioned in a previous post, my father suffered from Parkinson's Disease and insisted on being in his own home. His in-home care company was charging him in excess of $75,000 each year! He barely had the funds from his pension and some rental incomes and fell short each month. To subsidize the shortfall he was dipping into his home equity line, which our family was unaware of until he passed away. 

A better way to pay for the cost of home healthcare is the purchase of a Short Term Home Healthcare insurance policy. The cost of one of these policies is not nearly as expensive as a traditional LTCI plan and the application process is very simple. However there are a few drawbacks. 

The policy only covers in home care and for a total of 365 days. Given that some people only receive in-home care services a few days of the week, the 365 days don't have to be consecutive. In other words, the policy can be used over several years potentially. 

The applicant for one of these policies must be 60 years old and the rates do go up every five years, so these are points that must be taken into consideration. However, I still recommend this coverage to our clients who are looking into LTCI. 

For a good explanation of the policy and how it works, you can watch a short video by clicking here

Trying to self-fund long term care expenses is difficult for the vast majority of Americans. There is a myth that the government will take care of us, but it's not true. With our life spans getting longer it doesn't mean that the quality of life is better as we age. Making sure that we don't burden our families as our health declines should be a priority for most people. 

As we plan for our retirement years we need to seriously take into consideration that our health will decline and there will be expenses to deal with. Let us help you with planning and if you have any questions let us know. In the meantime, please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is the president of Surf Financial Brokers, helping people find affordable life and disability insurance coverage. He's also is a professional speaker helping sales people be more productive and efficient and has spoken to professional and civic organizations throughout the Southeast. And please subscribe to this blog!

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